B.A.S. — Management

B.A.S. - Management

The BAS of Management program is designed to provide students with the management and leadership skills necessary for successful career advancement in trade, industry, and health occupations. The primary objective of this program is to provide a balanced, flexible education. 

General Education Requirements 

English Composition
ENGL 110College Composition I3
ENGL 125Introduction to Professional Writing3
Speech Communication
Select one of the following:3
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
Intercultural Communication
From the General Education Requirements menu https://nextcatalog.vcsu.edu/undergraduate-catalog/academic-affairs/general-education/#genedcoursestext, select one course from each of the following requirement areas:
Mathematics 3
Elementary Statistics 1
Lab Science4
Computer Science and Literacy 3
Humanities Literacies or Art or Music3
Social Science3
Additional General Education
Select 11 credits from the following:11
Additional general education courses from the Math, Lab Science, Computer Science and Literacy, or Social Science requirement areas
Total Credits36


Major Requirements 

Specialty Area 136-44
COMM 304Corporate Training3
COMM 311Communication and Interviewing3
COMM 483Organizational Communication3
Computer Science and Literacy
CIS 329Information Systems Management3
CIS 369Enterprise Systems3
SE 381Project Management3
Business Management
ACCT 200Elements of Accounting I3
ACCT 201Elements of Accounting II3
ACCT 315Business in the Legal Environment3
BUSI 350Operations Management3
BUSI 480Strategic Planning3
MGMT 269Business Ethics3
MGMT 302Principles of Management3
MGMT 340Human Resource Management3
MGMT 372Foundations of Leadership3
MGMT 460International Business3
Total Credits84-92

To enroll in the BAS of Management program, students must have completed an identified technical specialty in trade, industry, or health occupations. A technical specialty constitutes the completion of 36 transferable credits in trade, industry, or health occupations or 26 transferable credits in the trade, industry, and health occupations and 5000 hours of work experience in a technical field.

Total General Education 36 Hrs
Total Major Requirement  84-92 Hrs
Total Credits 120-128 Hrs

For degree and graduation requirements, visit degree requirements and graduation requirements.

Plan of Study

Contact your advisor to create your individualized plan of study.


B.A.S - Management

Online Course Rotation

Fall Even Years
ACCT 200Elements of Accounting I3
ACCT 315Business in the Legal Environment3
BUSI 350Operations Management3
BUSI 497Internship3-12
CIS 369Enterprise Systems3
COMM 304Corporate Training3
COMM 311Communication and Interviewing3
MATH 210Elementary Statistics3
MGMT 302Principles of Management3
MGMT 340Human Resource Management3
MGMT 372Foundations of Leadership3
Fall Odd Years
ACCT 200Elements of Accounting I3
ACCT 315Business in the Legal Environment3
BUSI 350Operations Management3
BUSI 497Internship3-12
CIS 369Enterprise Systems3
COMM 304Corporate Training3
COMM 311Communication and Interviewing3
MATH 210Elementary Statistics3
MGMT 302Principles of Management3
MGMT 269Business Ethics3
Spring Even Years
ACCT 201Elements of Accounting II3
ACCT 315Business in the Legal Environment3
BUSI 480Strategic Planning3
BUSI 497Internship3-12
COMM 483Organizational Communication3
MATH 210Elementary Statistics3
MGMT 302Principles of Management3
MGMT 460International Business3
Spring Odd Years
ACCT 201Elements of Accounting II3
ACCT 315Business in the Legal Environment3
BUSI 480Strategic Planning3
BUSI 497Internship3-12
CIS 329Information Systems Management3
COMM 483Organizational Communication3
MATH 210Elementary Statistics3
MGMT 269Business Ethics3
MGMT 302Principles of Management3
MGMT 460International Business3
Summer Even Years
BUSI 350Operations Management3
BUSI 480Strategic Planning3
BUSI 497Internship3-12
MATH 210Elementary Statistics3
MGMT 269Business Ethics3
MGMT 302Principles of Management3
SE 381Project Management3
Summer Odd Years
BUSI 497Internship3-12
MGMT 269Business Ethics3
MGMT 302Principles of Management3
MGMT 460International Business3

B.A.S. - Management

Face-to-Face Course Rotation

Fall Even Years
ACCT 200Elements of Accounting I3
BUSI 480Strategic Planning3
MATH 210Elementary Statistics3
MGMT 269Business Ethics3
MGMT 302Principles of Management3
MGMT 460International Business3
Fall Odd Years
ACCT 200Elements of Accounting I3
BUSI 480Strategic Planning3
MATH 210Elementary Statistics3
MGMT 302Principles of Management3
MGMT 340Human Resource Management3
MGMT 372Foundations of Leadership3
MGMT 460International Business3
Spring Even Years
ACCT 201Elements of Accounting II3
BUSI 350Operations Management3
CIS 329Information Systems Management3
CIS 369Enterprise Systems3
MATH 210Elementary Statistics3
MGMT 269Business Ethics3
SE 381Project Management3
Spring Odd Years
ACCT 201Elements of Accounting II3
BUSI 350Operations Management3
MATH 210Elementary Statistics3
SE 381Project Management3

Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of core business functional areas.
  2. Integrate the core areas of business to inform decision making. 
  3. Demonstrate professional business communication.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse colleagues.
  5. Apply legal and ethical principles in business to organizational decision making.
  6. Demonstrate leadership skills.