Business Education

General Education Requirements

English Composition
Select one of the following:6
College Composition I
College Composition II
Introduction to Professional Writing
College Composition II
Introduction to Professional Writing
College Composition III: Persuasive Writing
Speech Communication
Select one of the following:3
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
Intercultural Communication
Select one of the following:3
College Algebra
Finite Mathematics
Mathematics in Society
Calculus I
Elementary Statistics
Lab Science
Select two of the following, one must come from the Natural and Physical Sciences category8
Natural and Physical Sciences (ND:LABSC)
Concepts of Biology
General Biology I
General Biology II
General Zoology
Introductory Chemistry
Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
Introduction to Earth Science
The Earth Through Time
Concepts of Physics
Introductory Astronomy
College Physics I
College Physics II
University Physics I
University Physics II
Additional Sciences (ND:SCI)
Cognition and Brain Science
Technology, Engineering, and Design
Technology Solutions for Society
Select one of the following:2
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness
Introduction to Stress Management
Computer Science and Literacy
Select one of the following:3
Principles of Information Security
Introduction to Computer Information Systems 1,2
Introduction to Programming
Introduction to Programming in Java
Introduction to Structured Programming I
Social Implications of Computer Technology 2
Discovering Computing
Select one of the following:3
American Sign Language I
American Sign Language II
Oral Interpretation
Introduction to Literature
Introduction to Film
Bible as Literature
Women and Literature
World Literature I
World Literature II
American Literature I
American Literature II
Civilization, Thought, and Literary Heritage
Ethics and Philosophy of Science
1st Year Spanish I
1st Year Spanish II
2nd Year Spanish I
2nd Year Spanish II
Introduction to Theatre Arts
Art and Music
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to the Visual Arts
Introduction to Digital Media
Art History I
Art History II
History of Craft
Fine Arts and Aesthetics
Music Appreciation
Music Fundamentals
World Music
History of Popular/Rock Music
Social Science
Select 6 credits from the following:6
Understanding Media and Social Change
Human Communication
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Human Geography
United States to 1877
United States to Present
World Civilizations to 1500
World Civilizations since 1500
Environmental History
Native American Studies
American National Government
State and Local Government
Introduction to Psychology 1
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Anthropology
Additional Humanities or Social Science
Select one additional course from Humanities or Social Science or select from the following:2
Two-Dimensional Design
Drawing I
Ceramics I
Photography I
Survey of Geography
Group Piano for Non-Majors
Group Piano for Non-Majors
Concert Choir
Athletic Band
Concert Band
Planetarium Science
Theatre Practicum
Total Credits39



Course satisfies the Digital Literacy graduation requirement.


Major Requirements

Required Courses
ACCT 200Elements of Accounting I3
ACCT 201Elements of Accounting II3
ACCT 315Business in the Legal Environment3
ART 245Introduction to Web Design3
or MRKT 310 Digital Marketing
BUSI 102Keyboarding Methods3
BUSI 214Business Communications3
BUSI 347Business Spreadsheet Applications3
BUSI 485Entrepreneurship3
BUSI 490Methods and Materials for Teaching Business Subjects3
CIS 329Information Systems Management3
MGMT 269Business Ethics3
MGMT 302Principles of Management3
MRKT 301Principles of Marketing3
Required for Career & Technical Education Certification by the ND Dept of Career & Technical Education:
Methods and Materials for Teaching Business Subjects
History, Philosophy and Practices of Career and Technical Education
Leadership in Career and Technical Student Organizations
Total Credits39
Total General Education 39 Hrs
Total Major Requirement 39 Hrs
Total Professional Education Sequence 32-33 Hrs
Total Credits Needed to Graduate 120 Hrs

Professional Education Sequence

Professional Education Sequence
EDUC 240Educating Exceptional Students3
EDUC 250Introduction to Education3
EDUC 283Understanding Cultural Diversity in Education3
EDUC 300Educational Technology2
EDUC 351Secondary Practicum and Classroom Management1
EDUC 352Culturally Diverse Practicum1
or EDUC 464 Practicum in the ELL Classroom
EDUC 375Teaching Reading in the Content Areas 2
EDUC 400Educational Psychology2
EDUC 450Trends in Assessment and Educational Issues2
EDUC 480Student Teaching (Secondary)10
PSYC 250Developmental Psychology3
Total Credits32

For degree and graduation requirements, visit degree requirements and graduation requirements.

Plan of Study

First Year
CIS 170 (Gen Ed)3Art and Music (Gen Ed)3
ENGL 110 (Gen Ed)3BUSI 3473
HPER 100 or 212 (Gen Ed)2ENGL 125 (Gen Ed)3
Lab Science (Gen Ed)4Lab Science (Gen Ed)4
MGMT 2693MATH 104, 107, or 210 (Gen Ed)3
 15 16
Second Year
ACCT 2003ACCT 2013
BUSI 2143CIS 3293
EDUC 2403COMM 110 (Gen Ed)3
EDUC 2503MGMT 3023
Social Science (Gen Ed)3PSYC 111 (Gen Ed)3
 15 15
Third Year
ART 2453BUSI 1023
CTE 4313CTE 4343
EDUC 3521EDUC 2833
EDUC 3752EDUC 3002
Literacies (Gen Ed)3Elective1
MRKT 3013PSYC 2503
 Additional Humanities or Social Science (Gen Ed)2
 15 17
Fourth Year
ACCT 3153EDUC 48010
BUSI 4853 
BUSI 4903 
EDUC 3511 
EDUC 4002 
EDUC 4502 
 17 10
Total Credits 120

Please note:  This plan is intended for general information only.  Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their academic advisor each semester before registration.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate with competency the business education content knowledge in the areas of accounting, finance, computer and information systems, management, marketing, business communication, keyboarding, and current technology applications. (AL)
  2. Demonstrate the ability to communicate written lesson plan objectives and develop a unit of study. (AL)
  3. Apply knowledge of work place readiness skills, including; communication, problem solving, collaboration and teamwork, emotional intelligence, ethical behavior and professionalism. and an appreciation for diversity and inclusion. (IS)
  4. Explore and identify engaging technology for use in student engagement in the classroom. (TS)